St Augustine's Catholic Primary School

St Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Following Jesus, our school family shows love and respect for one another and the world around us.


Cranbrook Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex IG2 6RG
Enquiries to be addressed to Mrs Brogan in the Infant Office

02085 541919

Our School

 About Our School



The Nursery am class opens at 8.50am and closes at 11.50 am

The Nursery pm class opens at 12.20 pm and closes at 3.20 pm

All day session 8:50am to 3:20pm


School gate opens for KS1 children at 8.40am. School gate closes at 9:00am                   

School gate opens for KS2 children at 8.30am. School gate closes at 8:55am


School Meals

Since September 2014 all children from Reception to Year 2 are entitled to free school meals.  There are choices for the children to choose from each day including a vegetarian option.  All meals are cooked on the premises.  School lunch for children in Year 3 to Year 6 cost £2.  Please send your child with the correct money each MONDAY in an envelope marked with their name and class. Cheques should be made payable to London Borough of Redbridge.  Online payments can also be made at:


We encourage parents to choose healthy options for their child’s lunch.


Packed lunches and a cold drink may also be brought in a named container.

  • We cannot accept fizzy drinks in bottles or cans, nor are hot drinks permitted
  • Water is always available
  • No sweets to be included
  • Crisps, chocolate bars, biscuits etc should be avoided every day and included only once a week as a treat or preferably not at all.
  • At least one portion of vegetables should be included 

Free Meals

Please register entitlement to Free School Meals through the School Office.  This helps the school and is done in confidence.  Further information regarding eligibility for Free school Meals may be found on our school website or details may be obtained from the school office.  Alternatively follow the link below to the Local Authority website to apply:


Even if your child is in Year R to Year 2, we ask that you register for this entitlement.  A large part of school funding depends on the number of children registered for free school meals.



Our school is part of the Fruit and  Vegetable Scheme.  All Early Years and KS1 children have a piece of fruit or vegetables each day.


Snack time takes place during play and school policy is that only fresh fruit or vegetable can be eaten at break time.  Children may bring water into school. Children in Early Years are also offered milk or water as part of their mid-session snack.








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